The Human Antenna – Reading the language of the Universe in the Songs of our Cells.
Such a well thought out, researched and constructed book on the biology and theory that cells communicate using electrical fields with our bones and ligaments as the conductors. Woven of modern technology & scientific research with the well know knowledge of Chinese & ancient practices this concept of the mind being more powerful that the body is affirmed and reaffirmed here.
Homing in on the power of prayer, value of the Chakras, the influence of electromagnetic fields, our intent this is a really remarkable read. Using excellent case studies and exercises at end of each section this allows the reader to experience the truths first hand and challenge concepts never challenged before. One example is the fascinating concept of God;
Over the years my understanding of God has evolved. Rather than continuing to take on the identity of an elderly wise man, I now regard God more as a pure manifestation of love. An invisible thread that connects us all more an entity than an identity (page 184)
A totally uplifting and compelling read even with my house move and chaos around me I was compelled to read this brilliant piece
Author: Dr Robin Kelly
Large paperback
253 pages.
Review; N J Soliar
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