“To Natasha,Just a quick note to say thank you for Monday.I felt so much better afterwards and i dont think i’ve ever wanted to go to school as much as i did tuesday morning!
Finally i was able to find the strength to smile all day long, and i felt so much better for it.Even my friends noticed i was alot happier! Iv introduced a small alteration to my diet which i hope will contribute to helping me achieve my goal for september! Like you said my dads death is something i will never forget, but i now feel strong enough to move on and accept the consiquences ive been avoiding for ages.
Thank you for every thing All my love and i hope we meet again soon xxxx kendal xxxx (1 session aged 14) 30 June 2004
“Natasha, I wanted to thank you for your support {career, health & life coaching} , I have lived in fear for so long, I found a book called Secrets in the library. One section rang true, Ask for something don’t say I don’t it means I do, ask for I will or I want and live with that every day and really want it, it hit me that’s what you said an Insight said and all the books on magic I have ever read, You must believe in what you want otherwise it does not happen! So thank for helping me I know I can be hard work sometimes. M Walters, South London November 2013
“Hi Natasha,Life has been very hectic of late with substantial organistaional changes here at work and I have also been discussing alternative opportunities. However as things get under control I am starting to reclaim my social life back.
Whilst I think I was probably one of your more exasperating clients I genuinely benefitted from your help. Many thanks again. Rob B 9 July 2004
“I often think of you as you helped me through a very difficult time in my life and I am forever grateful to you for that.” Lyn W 20 June 2011
“Hi Natasha, Thank you so much for your time today and the fantastic advice which I have taken on board. I’m feeling so much more balanced! I will be in touch again soon re. my availability to join you for ME on Wednesday. All the best now, Rach” Rachel F, Leytonstone UK 7 October 2013
“The difference with you is that you constantly check up on me; you know when my GP appointments, Diabetes check ups are you offer to speak to them if they have any questions about the exercise and supplements I’m on. I told him {previous health advisor} about my medication when I came to the meeting you had, then when I went to his house {a month later} I told him again and he just brushed over them and went into his comfort zone, never asked about my medication, my life he was more interested in getting my kids on supplements. He never contacted me since then, no call, no text nothing, but I was ok because you were there all the time checking up on me, thinking about me as a person, as an individual…..and your comfort zone is listening and working with me over tea and cakes, that’s a better zone ;o). I’m glad you decided to take over as the health person at Solari UK, you’ve been doing this for years already, you didn’t need someone else to do it for you. I have trusted you with my exercise sessions for over 3 years now, so knowing that you think about my entire life, family, work all of it, makes things better for me.”C Burke, Walthamstow 19 December 2013
“Wow you’re a great coach !! Your words resonate very well with me . . . You are a fantastic woman . . .I did open up to you as someone I didn’t know at all which surprised even me becasue I tend to only open up to people that are close to me . . . I already have 3-4 friends I would refer to you { these are every dear friends to me}. Thank s so much again ” A.H, Psychiatrist & Life Coach, New York, USA 28 July 2014
“You work from a really holistic place Tasha, it’s not just nutrition you talk about but the whole person you look at . . . that’s just you! You’re an amazing woman . I’m so glad I met you. Thank you” Martin, South London, 22 December 2013
“Hi Natasha Good to talk to you , thanks for the advice, I’ll give it a go. Thanks again” Martyn Lewis 28 August 2008