Little Pilates Book




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Small handbag sized book is easy to follow, with clear instructions and simple illustrations making this little book the perfect introduction to the Pilates matwork program.

Jargon free, demystifying the termonology used in other books this book speaks to the reader whatever their level. Excellent tips, variations and modifications throughout with benefits for targeting specific needs, this is ideal for students of all ages and levels from beginners to experienced athletes.

It’s one of the Pilates books recommended to me by my first Pilates instructor over a decade ago because of its simplicity and universally recognised accuracy . Because it’s easy to carry with you anywhere it should re-enforce your Pilates style and assist in adopting the Pilates lifestyle easily

Author; Erika Dilman

Small paperback

165pages 2001.

Review: NJ Soliar

Additional information

Weight 0.30 kg


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